Advantages Values Offered
• Quality Control:
The production process of your products will be closely monitored to meet your quality expectations. We can check the quality in the factories and in our warehouse before shipment.• On Time Delivery:
The shipment time of all your orders from different suppliers will be coordinated, consolidated and shipped at once and on time.• Faster Lead Times:
Orders can be shipped within 2-6 weeks after thier confirmation which gives us an important advantage over Chinese suppliers.• Reduced Purchasing Costs:
o Logistics Costs : Consolidating your products in our warehouse and make a single delivery.
o Transportation Costs:
o Import and Banking Costs:
o Personel Costs and Paperwork : Less personel necessary to deal with various factories and less paperwork.
o Better Stock Management for Our Customers : You can have frequent orders of a large variety of goods, which will enable you to beter manage your stocks and decrease the cost of carrying large amount of stocks.
• Extensive Product Development Program:
The product group that you are interested can be developed with various suppliers in order to provide a larger range.• Supplier Search and Qualification:
We can look for the right manufacturer for the auto part you are looking for and we can provide you with full information about the qualifications of this supplier.• Custom Packaging and Labelling:
Custom packaging and labelling can be prepared if minimum quantities are met. This will also save a lot of labor costs.• Meet your Minimum Order Quantity Requests:
In general, minimum order quantity requests are met with reasonable minimum order quantities.• Ability to ship your goods directly right to your warehouse at competitive prices:
We can provide competitive prices for transportation to your country/warehouse through our network of shipping companies.